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family baking cupcakes with an ADT monitor on the counter.
September 27, 2021

How to Cut Down on False Alarms from Spokane Home Security Systems

False alarms can be a worry for home security systems. These events can be concerning from a financial standpoint and lead to home insurance premiums going up, but there’s no need for it to be that way! You can reduce false alarms from your Spokane home security system by being certain that all family members are educated on using it. Smart recommendations like getting notifications to your smartphone when alarms are triggered, using automation, and picking an alarm company that provides 24-hour monitoring will stop the police from visiting your property due to a false alarm.

Educate Everyone On Your Home’s Security

When you have adolescents in the home, make sure they are instructed on how to manage the security features and they understand it's a critical element of home safety. If you keep pets in the house, be sure to show them what will occur if the alarm sounds - most home systems emanate a recognizable warning out of audio components when an alarm is set off.You can teach your pets to remain calm.

Get Smartphone Notifications So You Can Figure Out If You’re Having A False Alarm

A smartphone notification won't block a Spokane false security alarm, but it may keep the police from hurrying to your house. Innovative home defense plans like ones from ADT will send messages directly to your cell phone from the integrated security application when the home security system is triggered. It's helpful if you're not at home to know right away when your alarms go off. When you use security cameras, you can do a visual inspection and let your monitoring team know if there’s a potential problem.

Automation Can Easily Deactivate Your Home Defense

Using home automation with your property’s defense is a preferred method to reduce the occurrence of false alarms. The most common cause of false alarms in Spokane is due to the fact that the security components are mistakenly still activated when you're home. Simply enter through the front door, and the alarm triggers. But you are able to deactivate your system at specific times of the day, like when your kids get off the bus from school. When using an automated device like an entry lock, you are even able to program your sensors to disengage whenever the lock is activated with the correct code.

Use Around-The-Clock Monitoring To Keep False Alarms In Check

The best way to cut down on false alarms is by choosing a home alarm company that offers 24-hour monitoring in Spokane. These dedicated professionals will investigate your triggered alarms if they find a normal level of activity at your home. Once determined, they can connect with you to confirm you aren’t experiencing a false alarm. If a false alarm is established, they can reset the alarm remotely. If there is any indication that you have an invader, your monitoring technician will contact local authorities.

Count On An ADT Alarm System To Minimize False Security Alarms In Spokane

You should know that your home’s security system can’t curb all crime, but it can help you feel safer and better secure your property. ADT plans also include advanced automation and home monitoring that will reduce the frequency of false alarms. Phone (509) 240-8651 or fill out our contact form below and one of our specialists will help you customize your security system.