ADT® Authorized Dealer Serving Spokane & Surrounding Areas
family leaving for vacation
February 27, 2023

How to Protect Your Home When You're Away

No matter if you just recently acquired your dream house or you’ve emerged as a first-time homeowner, everyone wants to keep their dwelling protected. A safe and secure home is imperative for your security. Discover the best ways to protect your home when you’re away.

Evaluate Your Living Space and Needs

No two dwellings are identical. Your regional location, environment, neighbors, and floor plan will each make an impact on habits to best protect your home. Assurance inside a city can appear differently than security for a rural dwelling. A home with a fireplace may necessitate extra safety measures for smoke and fire. If you live near a floodplain, you will have to consider that hazard additionally.

Your home is one-of-a-kind, so take the time to analyze your space to best protect it.

Protect Your Home When You’re Away By Using Essential Precautions

One of the best methods to protect your home when you’re away is to plan practice preventative security habits. Criminals pursue the easiest approach. Making a habit to lock your windows and doors could stop theft. Keeping a light on during your absence will build the assumption of people being home, discouraging anyone scouting out your neighborhood. Habits such as turning off the water main and disconnecting the appliances before a long vacation might save you in the long run.

Added Steps for Extra Peace of Mind

An extra key may be a blessing if you have children returning home from school who may need to get inside the each and every school day. Remember to safely store the same key prior to a vacation. A key beneath the mat might prove to be a simple find for anyone looking to break in. A more effective solution is to purchase smart door locks, so you don’t have to have a key at any time!

Become acquainted with your neighbors! If they are accustomed to you and those who live in your home, they are likely to notice when strange faces start popping up. If you have an amicable rapport, you may even request that they be watchful throughout your vacation. Neighbors can help defend your home when you’re away.

Always Be Present With A Security System and Residential Automation

If you want to amplify your peace of mind to the next level, a home security system is the ideal product. Though motion-sensing lights and cameras may be effective instruments, a security system has the ability to implement glass break indicators, smoke alarms, smart lights and locks, and even flood detectors. This comprehensive protective matrix is driven using a central control console in your house. Security systems can also be monitored through around-the-clock surveillance by qualified specialists equipped to respond to any difficulty.

To acquire additional availability, attach your home security system to your residential automation technology. Arm your locks and monitor your camera footage no matter where you are with your smartphone. Set your devices on a schedule, to automatically power up as you need them. Set smart speakers to power the network and lock the doors once you’ve already gone to bed. You have the ability to get both security and convenience in one package!

Protect Your Home When on Vacation With Secure24 Alarm Systems

If you’re prepared to get certainty during your vacation, get the foremost residential security system with your area ADT distributors at Secure24 Alarm Systems. Our qualified professionals can help you to determine just what you need to protect your home from every potential dangers. To see what we can accomplish for you, call (509) 240-8651 or fill out the simple form below.